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I've been attending since July 24 and have found the treatment a life changer. From someone that was on laxatives for 7 years to not having any at all is an absolute achievement and a huge health benefit. Not only has my gut health improved my general overall health has seen a huge difference including my physical and emotional well being. I am so much more calmer and relaxed now . I feel amazing as the weight and inches have droppe off my stomach. You don't realise how all our body functions are inter related but they are and Michelle explains it so well!. The gut analysis test was a game changer for me to have actually identified the root cause of my bowel issues which my GP's failed to diagnose and treat for 24 years! Michelle is a gem! Always there in person and at the end off the phone for advise and guidance. She gives you that one to one time and really listens to you. I just wish I had found EternalBeing being years ago and known of Elvis the Pelvis!! Which is really fun and works!! Only those who attend EternalBeing know what that is!!! My advise... give it a go you have nothing but the nasty internal stuff to lose and a lot lot lot more to gain!
Michelle you truly are amazing!! You have helped me so much! Every appointment makes me feel so much better & can't recommend enough!🤍
If you haven't payed a vist yet to the fabulous Michelle then do so now 🥰
After suffering menopause symptoms for way to long
Tired moody irregular periods emotions all over the place but the big one one for me my anxiety was something else had a conversation with Michelle who suggested the meno patch
When I say this has changed everything almost instantly
I'm focused I have more energy zero anxiety I'm so calm and for the 1st time in over a year I have had a what I call a normal period and I welcomed it that feeling of normality
Those around me have noticed the difference but more importantly I have felt it
I have been taking them for 4 wks it's my little patch of heaven
Thankyou Michelle 😍
I’ve been seeing Michelle now for 3 months and it’s made such a positive difference. Knowing how bloated and reactive I am to different types of foods and being educated into which actual foods make me react the way they do has been a game changer. I’ve lost 6 kilos predominately from smarter eating and regularly seeing Michelle. I feel better and more energetic day to day and would recommend Eternal being to anyone.
Colonic cleanse.. a treatment you never knew you needed until you get it done!

I love seeing Michelle, her energy, conversations, helpful advice and great banter makes it even more worthwhile! She makes you feel utterly comfortable! (Thank you Michelle and thank you Steve for your friendly admin every time I called)

I’ve had 3 sessions and can’t wait to go back for more! I would say you need a minimum of at least 3 sessions to be surprised by your body!!

Keep doing what you do! You love it, we love it.. it’s a win win 🫶🏽
My experience and journey with Michelle has been amazing highly recommend.
Came For My First Treatment Today And Was Really Impressed Felt Really Cared For
The Treatment Was Painless
And Michelle Was Wonderful
Felt So Much Relief
Well, I have always suffered with irregular bowel movements putting down to my hypothyroidism. Then a few years back became a chronic migraine sufferer - daily preventative meds for the past few years which is 3 tablets every day. Side effect of these is constipation so on top of everything I was already dealing with was not a good mix.

I had heard about colonics and was interested in the process so I went ahead and booked a consultation knowing I wanted to go ahead with the treatment. After my second treatment my monthly cycle was due and low and behold my migraines didn’t appear. So for the first time in however many years I’ve had a pain free cycle which meant a week less of strong pain relief. Woo hoo!

Couldn’t be happier with my colonic journey.

Thank you for being so welcoming. The wealth of knowledge Michelle has is incredible. Don’t suffer in silence and get yourself sorted.
My back feels brand new again! Michelle is amazing, friendly and welcoming, I will be going back for more treatments!
best service there is ,lovely women,results are amazing from getting lemon bottle after only first session
Great service! Michelle was so welcoming and friendly and is passionate about making people feel their best! Will be recommending and revisiting 😊
Michelle, you are truly amazing!
Every time I visited I leave with new information and knowledge and I’m grateful for your wealth of knowledge.
You are beautiful in and out and your expertise and professionalism is impressive.
A true inspiration!
Thank you for all your help and ongoing help. You’ve helped me in ways I can’t even help myself (haha)
Highly recommended and an investment into your health and wellbeing.
I was told by a private gastroenterologist I had a dropped large intestine and will be on laxatives for the rest of my life (now 36) they were making me fee horrible and not getting rid of the full compacted problem. I spoke to Michelle and she put everything into perspective and assured me that she can help. I had my first appointment last night and wow it was fantastic, I was extremely nervous but Michelle calmed me down. I can honestly say she has changed my life already, I don’t feel bloated, tired, grumpy or in any pain and that is the first appointment. Chucked the laxatives away and believe Michelle can train my bowels to behave and act normal. I cannot recommend Michelle enough. Thank you so much. 😊
Was in a bad way and was feeling really bad. I contacted Eternal Being and talked through my problems with Michelle, and made an appointment. I got immediate relief and over a few sessions got back to normal from really bad inflammation. Michelle was brilliant and gave me great advice and treatment. I would highly recommend getting a consultation if you have any issues. Thanks Michelle. Richard 👍🙂
Michelle is so tuned in to your body and knows what it needs. I have regular colonic treatments and feel fantastic. After having major ankle surgery late November 2023, I had a lymphatic massage to help my body recover. AMAZING!!! Thank you so much Michelle
Where do I start to tell you my journey with Michelle at Eternalbeing. TBH I hadn't heard of EB it only came about when I was talking to a gym buddy and we started talking about feeling bloaty, irregular bowel movement. So I thought as I have had problems since being a young girl around the age of 5 when I really struggled to go to the toilet so I was injected in the bottom to help me. So when I looked into the services that EB do I was so excited to think there was someone out there who may be able to help me. I made the call I was very nervous but after a telephone conversation which lasted about half an hour I booked in with her. Well, what an experience that was. Never thought in a million years my issues, fears quickly went away. My first clonic liver cleanse was a little bit surreal. How can I just be so relaxed and able to pooh after a few reassuring words from Michelle. We laugh all the time she still says after 10 years LOOK at your pooh train. I will be honest I did suffer from a headache afterwards but Michelle did warn me this would happen but soon subsided. Lots of water and not too much food after the treatment. I was taken suppliments to help me with my daily routine. Vitamin D3,
Bifido and Fibre,live cultures supplement for women, zinc citrate,
Alway I use her own patches
BIO MAGNETIC this to help my joints as I work out everyday
Sleep patch as I was struggling but ATM I'm sleeping very well.
Now about. Michelle my pooh fairy. This women is so passionate about her work to help others, always around of you need advise. She's my hero and best of all Michelle listens to you. Never rushes you, if these are going to plan with your treatment she ensures we rest and then try again.
Honestly, if you're not too sure about having a treatment I can assure you you would not be disappointed. I love her my pooh fairy
After years of stomach bloating, cramps and pain. Taking medication to relive the symptoms.
I visited Michelle for the first time in January. I have not looked back since. I have not had to take any medication since.
I really felt listened to and I am so pleased I picked the phone up and made that call.
I have more energy and my overall health has improved so much 😊
Great Treatment Michell. Thanks.
I've been going for years, Michelle always helpful and achieves great results everytine !
I had suffered with minor gut issues on and off for years but put it down to diet. Past 6 months noticed a gradual increase in feeling bloated, fatigued and no energy or motivation to exercise. I improved my diet with organic produce where possible and did the obvious but still felt full, bloated and sluggish. I had heard of colonics before but had no knowledge of what they did or why you would have one. After some googling, Eternal Being popped us a ‘colonics near me’ and so I checked out their website which prompted a consultation with Michelle and then a colonic hydrotherapy with liver cleanse. Consultation phase was thorough and the colonic was no where near as invasive as I thought it would be nor embarrassing. The feeling of relief was almost euphoric after feeling yuk for so long and the aftercare with Michelle’s knowledge gives me confidence the investment in myself was worth it! All puns intended, Michelle really knows her s#%t!

Tag: digestion

Our Top Tips To Improve Your Digestion

It is a well-known fact that what you eat directly affects your digestion, you should ‘eat well to feel well’. At the end of the day, what you eat will become a part of you. However, do you know what else you should be doing for good digestion? This blog will give you all of our top tricks and tips on how to improve digestion. 

Would you prefer a boring, beige plate of chicken nuggets or a bold and vibrant plate of colourful vegetables? Let’s hope it is the vegetables as this ‘real’, fresh food has many more benefits for your digestion. 

Good digestion is so important, as during digestion your body absorbs vital nutrients that it needs. This means, that even if you have a super healthy and nutrient-packed diet, if your digestion still isn’t very good, your body won’t be absorbing as much of the all-important nutrients that can affect your whole body, anything from mental health to your energy levels. 

Ever wondered why you have digestion problems? Digestion problems can be from a whole list of reasons, from being sensitive to certain foods to having unhealthy habits, not having enough exercise or day-to-day pressures such as stress. Stress can majorly affect your digestion; your gut is dubbed to be your second brain due to how closely they are linked. For example, when you are really stressed, your body will focus its energy on dealing with the stress and putting the stress response into action,  pushing processes like digestion further down its priority list, to wait until the stress has disappeared. 

In fact, digestion problems can be from a combination of reasons, along with leading to bloating. These digestion problems are leading to you not completely absorbing nutrients, something you want to avoid.

How can I improve my digestion?

  1. Exercise! 

Whether that’s a morning jog, or something with less impact like yoga, incorporating more exercise into your lifestyle will help to reduce your levels of stress and release feel-good endorphins. You might surprise yourself and find that you quite enjoy it!

  1. Eat your meals slowly.

Ensure you are sufficiently chewing each bite, try to do it until it’s a different texture than the texture that it entered your mouth. Rushing your food will not help your digestion; your body needs time to process and digest it.

  1. Focus on eating.

When you are eating, focus solely on eating and nothing else. Don’t watch TV or distract yourself, instead focus on eating and having proper conversations. This will allow you to completely focus on eating, making you more mindful of what you consume.If you have liked reading this blog and want more digestion tips and trips, click here to read our other blogs.